Time to Hit the Books

These Happy Days Are Yours and Mine
August 29, 2011
Book Review: The Great American Cookbook
September 10, 2011
These Happy Days Are Yours and Mine
August 29, 2011
Book Review: The Great American Cookbook
September 10, 2011

Time to Hit the Books

The Reader (Jean-Honoré Fragonard)

Ah, September…When the days get noticeably shorter, and a crisp breeze is in the air. (Okay, that last one is a lie. There are no crisp breezes to be had in NYC at the moment, but a girl can dream, can’t she? The air must be cooling off somewhere. Maybe Maine.)

Notwithstanding the weather, it’s the time for the traditional migrations of the season. No, not birds. I’m referring to my cousins, who are packing up their progeny and driving dangerously loaded SUVs and wagons (Hi, Mary!) to college campuses all over the East Coast, getting their kids settled for the fall semester.

Though I may not be part of these moves, I’ve decided to get into the spirit of the season and hit the books. In what will become a regular feature on this blog, I’ll share some brief thoughts about books I’ve read. (And I say “brief” because I know I have a tendency to be a bit longwinded in my writing. I’m working on it. Perhaps, I’m making up for my shyness; it seems that all those words I’ve stored inside of me are finally making a break for it.)

Though you’ll have to wait a little longer for the first one, I’ll give you a vague hint. It’s a cookbook.

Happy reading, everyone. And travel safely, dear cousins!

Editorial disclaimer: Some of the books I’ll review (usually cookbooks and other food-related titles) have been sent to me by their publishers’ PR departments. Others were picked up at literary/industry events or loaned to me by friends. The vast majority were purchased with my own hard-earned money. Regardless of how it came into my hands, you will only hear about a book on these pages if I truly and legitimately liked it (or aspects of it). If I don’t care for a free book I receive, I won’t slam it—unless it’s somehow completely egregious, which few books are—but it won’t show up on this blog either. Having said that, please know that if you’ve sent me a book and you don’t see it here right away, that doesn’t necessarily mean I didn’t like it. I may be working my way through a large pile, or else saving the review to run on a date (or pegged to an event) that’s particularly appropriate.

Feel free to email me book suggestions—or post them in the comments field, below.