A Free Place
May 12, 2012The Maine Attraction
June 24, 2012A Room With a View
Has it really been four weeks since my last post? Holy travesty, Batman… If there are any readers of this blog still out there, I beseech you to keep the faith and stand firm. (Yes, you read that correctly. I did, in fact, use the word “beseech.” Seems my recent dalliance with Downton Abbey has had an influence on the way I speak. It’s possible I may even implore you to summon a footman forthwith. Who but my Lord, the Earl of Grantham, can say with certainty?)
To provide you a window onto the fascinating tilt-a-whirl that has been my life these past few weeks (extreme sarcasm alert), here is a photo of the sight I have spent most of the month gazing upon (dangling preposition alert). On the screen within a screen before you is a page from my novel.
Are you jealous yet? The life of a writer may be just a few steps removed from a 24/7 glamour-fest, but I ask for no pity.
In all seriousness, I am very much enjoying the editing process, and I’m pleased to say that I should be done with this revision by early July, if not sooner.
My other notable writing-related activity this month was attending BEA, aka Book Expo America, the annual publishing industry lovefest that takes place just within the outer circle of Hades. And by that I mean the Javits Center. (If you haven’t had the pleasure of visiting the place, you should seriously consider slaughtering a chicken as both tribute and appeasement to the gods who have so mercilessly spared you this torment.) Suffice it to say, Javits is an an armpit ensconced in a dungeon encircled by a structure with about as much charm as a foundry. (I know. I’m being complete unfair to foundries…)
Despite the location, BEA was still worth the visit. Though I could only attend for a day and a half, that was enough time to gather advanced copies of several intriguing new titles. Prior to the expo, my to-read book pile had shrunk perilously low, but that problem has been rectified for now.
So much for all the free space that I created when I donated several boxes of books to the Salvation Army. Well, they say life is a cycle, right…?