Saveur: Classic—Spanish Comfort

Sweden in the summer (Photo by Sofia Perez)
Epicurious: Coming Out of Their Shells—Sweden’s Crayfish Fests
March 3, 2011
San Sebastian (Photo by Sofia Perez)
Concierge: Bilbao + Basque Country Travel Guide
March 3, 2011
San Sebastian (Photo by Sofia Perez)
Concierge: Bilbao + Basque Country Travel Guide
March 3, 2011
Sweden in the summer (Photo by Sofia Perez)
Epicurious: Coming Out of Their Shells—Sweden’s Crayfish Fests
March 3, 2011

Galicia’s hearty caldo gallego warms both body and soul

By Sofia Perez

[Published by Saveur, January/February 2007]

Caldo gallego is tailor-made for the dark days of winter. Although I grew up eating this main-course meat and vegetable soup in New York City, it was in fact born of the damp, bone-chilling winters of Galicia, the mountainous region in the northwestern corner of Spain, where both of my parents were raised.

In the village of Niñodaguia, my mother helped her mamá peel potatoes and trim grelos (a variety of broccoli rabe that gives the dish its signature green hue), and she watched as the flames from the wood fire licked the bottom of the large iron pot…

[To read the rest of the article, please click here.]